Care Standards
We fully subscribe to the National Care Standards principles for residents as set out below :
- Dignity – Your right to be treated with dignity and respect at all times and enjoy a full range of social relationships.
- Privacy – Your right to have your privacy and property respected and be free from unnecessary intrusion.
- Choice – Your right to make informed choices, while recognising the rights of other people to do the same and know about the range of choices.
- Safety – Your right to feel safe and secure in all aspects of life including health , enjoy safety but not be overprotected and be free from exploitation and abuse.
- Realising Potential – Your right to have the opportunity to achieve all you can, make full use of the resources that are available to you and make the most of your life.
- Equality and Diversity – Your right to live an independent life rich in purpose, meaning and personal fulfilment, be valued for your ethnic background, language, culture and faith. Be treated equally and to live in an environment which is free from bullying, harassment and discrimination without fear of victimisation.